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GMs: SoDa CaN & Mr. Panda
Commanders: Fireblade & MirthlessSmile

Section 1: Main Server Rules

  1. Respect all admins and players
  2. No advertising other servers or clans
  3. No spamming (Mic or chat)
  4. No scripting or hacking of any kind
  5. No talking about scripting or hacking
  6. No ghosting
  7. All Admins and Players MUST respect each other no matter the age, ethnicity, religious backgrounds, personal grudges, etc. There is zero tolerance for disrespecting others for any reason.
  8. No sexual harassment
  9. Do not impersonate admins or owner
  10. No insulting/threatening the server
  11. No begging of any kind
  12. Admins have all rights to swap anyone if it's ratio
  13. Enjoy Your Stay

Section 2: General Jailbreak Rules

  1. Ratio is preferred 1:2 but can be up to 2:3, so if over 2:3 then it is ratio freeday. RATIO: 2 CTs: 3Ts. Meaning for every two CTs, there must be at LEAST 3 Ts.
  2. AFK Freeze is not allowed on the server
  3. First day in a map is always a free day
  4. A warday will apply through the round as long as the warden calls a warday and gives a time and location in the even he dies during it. If he doesnt give an expansion time then it is 90 seconds after it started.

Section 3: Terrorist Team (Prisoners) - if you're new, join this team.

  1. No detours, No delays is an implied command
  2. Entering vents is instant rebel. This does not apply to freedays and wardays.
  3. Armory is instant rebel
  4. Ts may kill baiting CTs. They must be within knifing range while you are standing still, OR in your way while following the warden's orders for it to be baiting. No detours, no delays still applies.
  5. Baiting is when and ONLY when you can stand still and you can knife the CT
  6. There is no baiting on unrestricted freedays so that means if you are red you are considered a rebel.
  7. During Panda Freeday, Ts are allowed to stand up in order to type as long as they are not moving.
  8. A terrorist may not be warden and have the CT team enforce the orders given by the T.

Section 4: Pre-defined Rules

  • Can be changed on the CT's ruling.
  • First Reaction; Last Reaction: If the warden says first reaction followed by a command, the first T to do this command dies. If the warden says last reaction, the last T to perform this command dies.
  • Panda Freeday: Panda's crouch at all times may not left click, may not teleport, can not climb unless getting to a CT.
  • Zombie Freeday: Zombies walk at all times, may not right click, may not teleport, can't jump and can't climb unless getting to a CT.
  • Gun toss: No crouching, no bhopping, no cheating, no admin power from anyone, CT's first, no interference from other players.
  • Shot for Shot: Stay on the wall at all times, no healing, no hiding, no interference from other players.
  • All others: No healing, No interference from other players.

Section 5: Last Request (!lr)

  1. When there is only 1 T left, Ts can have !lr, except on wardays.
  2. No cheating in !lr is an implied rule
  3. Do not delay an !lr, but the loser of an !lr can run away until 3:00. 
  4. Ts are NOT allowed to rebel during their !lr
  5. Only when a T chooses Rebel in a LR will medic be allowed to be used.

Section 6: Warden

  1. No text commands of any kind
  2. If warden dies and no CT takes over within 10 seconds, it is a free day
  3. If a T asks you to repeat, you are obligated to repeat the orders. You must give orders clearly and at an appropriate rate through your mic
  4. If cells open automatically or before orders are given, it is a freeday
  5. No consecutive wardays
  6. Wardays must be in two areas or less
  7. You may not play first reaction/last reaction with only two people
  8. A warden may not restrict any T from using their mic or text chat at any time through the round. If a player is interrupting warden while he is giving orders then it will be an administration issue.
  9. If the round reaches 3:00 on the game timer and there is no warden or orders in place (Ex: Panda Free day) then a CT with a mic may revoke the free day and give orders to progress the round.
  10. CTs cannot be warden for more then 3 consecutive times unless no one else can warden on CT.
  11. A CT may not have a T pet, a pet is a T that a CT has selected to be free of orders and follow the CT owner around.
  12. Fish in a barrel or anything similar is not allowed. Admins can determine what isnt allowed. Duck Hunt is allowed.
  13. CTs can call out "Don't Follow, Don't Stack on freedays" before opening cells on unrestricted freedays only.
  14. You cannot play first reaction/ last reaction if it was already played/used in the previous round at any time.
  15. "Out of cell, rebel" can only be used when no other order has yet been given.

Section 7: Counter-Terrorist Team (Guards)

  1. No Freekilling. CTs cannot hurt Ts without warning [except primary]
  2. CTs must give Ts a warning by name to drop a secondary
  3. CTs cannot give Ts guns and then kill them (gunplanting)
  4. CTs cannot give orders if they are dead
  5. CTs have 15 seconds to get out of armory at the beginning of round or they will be considered camping..
  6. Until 7:00, CTs cannot enter vents or armory for any reason unless seeing a T physically go in. CTs cannot camp inside armory or vents for any reason and will be slain if caught camping. The rule doesn't apply to warday in vents.
  7. If a T points a secondary at a CT, the CT may kill the T
  8. You must give orders clearly and at an appropriate rate through your mic
  9. CTs can kill any T that is red unless they state they were baited or gunplanted. Excludes panda/zombie freedays.
  10. During freeday, CTs can command last 2-3 Ts (Except on ratio freedays)
  11. If Cells aren't open within 1 minute of the start time then it is freeday for all Ts, if the CTs refuse to open cells, an admin is allowed to slay them.
  12. If a T leaves cells before your orders are given (and cells are closed), CTs cannot kill the T right away or else that is considered freekill. CTs may order the T to "freeze now" or "go back in your cells"
  13. You cannot play first reaction/ last reaction if it was already played/used in the previous round at any time.
  14. Once cell doors are opened, do not close them again or else an admin can slay you!

Section 8: Admin Rules

  1. Admin is a tool and a job which should be taken seriously.
  2. A person should only be respawned if they were free killed
  3. Do not use any command to make a player gain an advantage over other players
  4. Do not force change a map on the server. A vote must be given to change the map
  5. Do not spam any commands
  6. Admins are required and expected to follow every rule of the server
  7. If any admin breaks any rule then a suspension will be issued. Repeat offenders will be stripped.
  8. Ban times should be appropriate for the offense. Also you must include the reason for a ban. Do not put any inappropriate reasons on it.
  9. Make sure everyone is following all rules and are having a good time.
  10. Admins may spawn weapons if they are a CT. Ts may spawn weapons only on wardays and the weapons may not be used until the specified warday time.
  11. Be mature and courteous to players even if they are being rude towards you. Be an example and a leader to other players.
  12. Admins should never run any commands on another admin.
  13. Do not spawn your self or any other player in a spectate body.
  14. All Admins are not above the law and must follow all of the rules like a normal player.
  15. All Admins MUST respect each other no matter the age, ethnicity, or religious backgrounds, personal grudges, etc. There is zero tolerance for disrespecting others for any reason.
  16. Admins must help create a fun community. No negativity, no drama of any kind (no trying to start drama), no passive-agressiveness, all hatred for others must be kept away from server and forums and left away on private chat.

Section 9: Information on Donating

  • Add boltsword on steam for more information
  • Basic Admin 15$ One time fee
  • Super Admin 30$ One time fee

Section 10: Commands

  • RTV - Starts a vote to change the map.
  • Nominate - Nominate a map for the server to change to.
  • Nextmap - Tells you the next map.
  • !w - First CT to type it is warden.
  • votekick - Starts a votekick. Not to be used with admins in the server
  • voteban - Starts a voteban. Not to be used with admins in the server
  • !rules - See these rules